Top Five Wednesday: Standalones I Wish Had Sequels

Since Top Five Wednesday is on summer hiatus, today’s topic comes from July 2016, aka standalone books that I wish had sequels.

As a contemporary girl at heart, I am very used to standalones, even though I absolutely love a good contemporary series. Throughout genres, I think I am at a point where I do prefer standalones to series. However, there are just some characters and stories that I I just can’t simply let go after the final page. And all the fan art and bookish swag based on said book can’t fill my heart like a second book would.

Field Notes on Love by Jennifer E. Smith- I’m not sure to what extent this counts as a sequel, but I really want a book about Hugo and his five brother and sisters. Yes, I realize that much of Hugo’s storyline in Field Notes on Love is learning what it’s like to be considered as an individual, not a sextuplet, but I’m too invested in Hugo’s siblings and their dynamic.


The Simple Wild by K.A. Tucker- One of the most bittersweet parts of many contemporary standalones (okay let’s be honest, basically any book) is not knowing what will happen to characters or couples after the ending. While I was pretty content with The Simple Wild’s ending, I am very interested in experiencing a certain couple’s future, specifically seeing where their lives will be together. Sorry for the vagueness, but trying to avoid spoilers as much as I can so everyone will pick this one up!


Catwoman:Soulstealer by Sarah J. Maas- Although it’s technically part of the DC Icon series, Catwoman: Soulstealer is its own story. I just really enjoyed SJM’s take on Catwoman and despite that the book had a solid resolution, I wouldn’t mind another installment featuring Catwoman and Batwing.

Heartless by Marissa Meyer- I think The Lunar Chronicles will always be my favorite Marisa Meyer series, but I really loved her standalone, Heartless. Depsite Cath’s love for baking and her dreamy eyes for Jest, Heartless’ ending stuck to the Queen of Hearts’ fate and Alice in Wonderland. I wouldn’t mind another sequel to see how much Cath has changed and maybe see her run into some of the Heartless cast in her new persona.

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Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell- While I admit that I had a tiny bit of trouble coming up with a fifth book, there’s no denying that I would love a follow-up from one of my favorite books of all-time. I’m usually not the biggest novella person, but I’m all for a novella following Cath and Levi. For those still needing some more Fangirl as well, I highly recommend picking up Rainbow Rowell’s Landline for a particular Easter egg.


What standalones do you wish you had sequels? Share in the comments!

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