Channeling My Inner Taylor Swift | My 2017 Halloween Costume

Happy Halloween! I hope your Halloween season has been filled with candy, costumes, festive books and movies, and maybe a pumpkin-flavored treat or two! I haven’t dressed up for Halloween in the past years, but I’ve changed my ways this year by dressing up as Taylor Swift! I’ve loved Taylor Swift from her country days to her really evolving into pop music—I’m excited to see what Reputation will be like, since I’m obsessed with every song that has come out so far (I think “Gorgeous” has been my favorite). As much as Taylor Swift’s image has changed over the years, “You Belong With Me” T-Swift dressed in her Junior Jewels t-shirt will always be the Taylor I imagine.


So how did I come up with this costume? I’m involved in my school’s music appreciation organization and for my event for this semester, I had everyone create groupie T-shirts. I took mine up a notch by replicating Taylor’s Junior Jewels T-shirt. The names mostly come from her shirt in the “You Belong With Me” music video, but there are a few from the shirt in “Look What You Made Me Do”. I love homemade Halloween costumes so I had a really fun time creating this one and I’m hoping to maybe wear it again at a costume or cosplay event (if not, it’ll be a really comfy pajamas shirt!).


Are you dressing up for Halloween? Are you a Taylor Swift fan? Share in the comments!

Review: They Both Die at the End by Adam Silvera

downloadSummary: Adam Silvera’s They Both Die at the End takes place in a society where individuals receive a call from Death Cast, telling them that they will die that day. On September 5th, teenagers Rufus and Mateo receive a call from Death Cast, and the two each try to figure out how they’ll spend their last day. Both realize that they’re looking for a new friend on their End Day and guess what, there’s an app for that! Last Friend brings these total strangers together in hope that they’ll have one last, great adventure in one day.

My Rating: 3.75/ 5 Stars

My Thoughts:

They Both Die at the End kept me turning the pages to know the fate of Mateo and Rufus. Yes, the title of the book makes the ending sound a bit obvious, but you never know! My favorite part of They Both Die at the End was that it wasn’t just told from Mateo and Rufus’s perspectives, as we get the POVs of individuals who have directly or indirectly been affected by Death Cast that day. Between the multiple POVs, its diverse cast of characters, and how the book takes place over twenty-four hours, I was reminded a lot of Nicola Yoon’s The Sun is Also a Star, as our two main characters form a relationship in the single day they have together. I find that They Both Die at the End was a unique read because it directly deals with death. It was interesting to consider Death Cast as death itself.

 They Both Die at the End was one of my most anticipated releases of 2017 because I’ve really enjoyed Adam Silvera’s More than Happy than Not and History is All You Left Me. While I enjoyed They Both Die at the End, it wasn’t my favorite Adam Silvera book. The premise was unique and one that keeps you thinking after reading the final page, but I felt that I couldn’t connect to Mateo or Rufus, other than the fact that Mateo loves books (the bookstore scene was quite cute). Yes, we will all face death one day, but I think the majority of my disconnect came from the idea that Mateo and Rufus know they’ll die that day. Hence, the book gives us the idea to get out of our comfort zones sometimes because everyday could be our last. And while the book had its suspenseful moments, I felt that it could have been a bit more suspenseful if it had been shorter. It was cool to see Rufus and Mateo’s relationship grow, but it felt a bit fluffy at times.

I was also left with an unanswered question or two at the end of the book when it came to some of the world building. While the story gives us the vibe that once you receive a Death Cast call, you will die that day, has anyone ever not died after being notified by Death Cast?? WHAT ABOUT DELIAH???? Are we to assume that she died or did she make it??? My biggest question that was left unanswered (which might have been up to our own interpretation) was the meaning behind Deckers being called Deckers. My assumption, as morbid as it seems, is that they’re waiting, or on deck, to die that day.

Have you read They Both Die at the End? Share your thoughts in the comments!

My First Young-Adult Reads

I started venturing into my local library’s young-adult section around the 6th grade and I haven’t looked back since! My younger sister has started to look through my bookshelves for some new reads, and she’s made me think about what books I read around her age. I decided to take a trip down memory lane and talk about some of the first young-adult books that I ever picked up!

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants series by Ann Brashares– Whenever I think about my first YA reads, my mind automatically goes to The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants. I remembering seeing the first book on the ‘books for sale’ table at the library, and my mom and I later found two of the other books at another library sale (the second book ruined our trend by having to be purchased at Barnes and Noble). This classic young-adult series about one pair of jeans and four girls will always hold a special place in my heart.Sisterhood_of_the_Traveling_Pants_book_cover.gif

The Princess Diaries series by Meg Cabot– I actually never finished this series, as my mom wasn’t a fan of some of the more mature content in the books while I was in middle school. I consider The Princess Diaries film adaptions as my two of my all-time favorite movies.

13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson– Maureen Johnson’s 13 Little Blue Envelopes is one of my most reread books, as I love how it transports me back in time to when I was just a 7th grader picking this up at my local B&N (gift card in tow of course!). 13 Little Envelopes has helped inspired my wanderlust, as our main character backpacks through Europe, only using letters from her aunt for guidance along the way.


The DUFF by Kody Keplinger– I remember reading The DUFF in middle school, butunfortunately didn’t enjoy it as much when I reread it in 2015 for the film adaptation—one of the rare instances where I liked the movie more than the book!

What Happened to Goodbye by Sarah DessenWhat Happened To Goodbye started my Sarah Dessen obsession. I’m almost one hundred percent sure that I’ve read all of Sarah’s books except for How to Deal. Her books are just such great go-to summer contemporaries and my favorite is Saint Anything.

Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard– One of my guilty pleasures, I am here to admit that I have read every novel in the series. I never really got into the TV series, but I was absolutely addicted to the books. I began reading the series in middle school and stuck through until the last installment came out in 2014.

Do you remember some of your first young-adult reads? Let me know in the comments!

Mystery Blogger Award


The Mystery Blogger Award was created by Okoto of Okoto Enigmas Blog ,and I was nominated by Rebecca of My Life as a Sports Fangirl.The purpose of the Mystery Blogger Award is to honor bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do so with love and passion. Many thanks goes to Rebecca for nominating me!

The Rules

  • Put the logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank the person who nominated you and link their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and link their blog.
  • Tell your reader 3 things about yourself.
  • You have to nominate 10-20 people.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question.
  • Share a link to your best post(s)

3 Things about Me

1.I don’t like coffee. Some people tell me that this will change as I truly “adult”, but I can’t get over coffee’s bitter taste, even when I get a flavored drink, and I find that it makes me more tired than awake. However, I’ve grown to really enjoy tea and hot chocolate will always be a favorite of mine.

2.Since Rebecca’s blog incorporates her love of sports, I thought I’d share a sports related fact about me: my favorite professional sports team is the New York Rangers. Since baseball season is coming to close (it’s at least over for me, since the Yankees aren’t in the World Series), my focus is back on hockey and NYR.

3.I’ve seen 3 Broadway shows in my life so far: Mary Poppins, Fiddler on the Roof, and Hamilton. I plan on seeing more shows in the near-future, and I’m actually going to see Waitress next month!

Rebecca’s Questions

What’s your favorite season? Summer. As it starts getting colder where I live, the more and more I miss summer and its warm weather. I love summer for being able to go swimming, sitting by the pool, going to the beach, and of course, gobbling up as many contemporary reads as possible.

Do you have any Booktube or general Youtube channel recommendations? I probably have TOO many of each, but I’ll give you a few! Booktube-wise, I recommend Christine of polandbananasbooks, Kristin of SuperSpaceChick, and Paige of The Paige-Turner. I definitely don’t watch as much general Youtube as I do Booktube, but my favorite Youtuber has to be Zoë Sugg of Zoella and MoreZoella. I love watching Zoë’s vlogs and I especially recommend her Vlogmas.

Who is your favorite superhero? Wonder Woman. I have the featured Funko Pop below to prove so, AND I WILL READ WONDER WOMAN: WARBRINGER BY THE END OF 2017. I have a signed copy of the book at home, and I get a bit nervous about bringing my signed copies from home to college because I’m afraid they’ll get ruined in travel.

Do you like to read classics? Why or why not? Yes and no. Classics are tough for me because most of the classics I’ve read have been required of my school coursework. I love reading, but I hate being forced to read a book that I may or may not have any interest in. I often have trouble connecting to the writing style of many classics, for example, I really didn’t like the writing in The Scarlet Letter and I couldn’t get through Jane Eyre. I’ve found that I enjoy classics from the late 19th century and the 20th century the most- A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, The Crucible, and The Bell Jar are among my favorites.

What’s your least favorite book that you’ve read this year? Just Friends by Tiffany Pitcock. I wasn’t a fan of the characters, the writing style, or the plot at all, and I found myself pushing this one to the side to pick up other books and I ended up forcing myself to finish.

I nominate:

Courtney from Buried in a Bookshelf

Raven and Beez from Raven & Beez  

Jade from Jade Writes Books 

If you’ve done the award already or you’re currently writing like you’re running out of time enough, no worries!

My Questions:

If you could revive any past TV show, what would it be?

Do you celebrate any holidays during the winter season?

What is or was your favorite subject in school?

If you had a soundtrack of your life, what would be three songs on the album? 

What books are you hoping to get to before the end of 2017?

Top Five Wednesday: Non-Horror Books that Scared Me


Hello my Top Five Wednesday readers! You may have noticed that I took two weeks off from doing T5W. This month’s T5W were all themed around Halloween and the past two weeks focused on books with creepy settings and paranormal creatures. The thing is guys, I UTTERLY HAVE A LACK OF PARANORMAL AND HORROR THEMED BOOKS IN MY TBR AND READ PILES! Thankfully, this week’s topic is targeted for readers like me! Listed below are five non-horror books that may have had me hiding from my book for a tiny bit.

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff- Scariness in Illuminae comes in the form of AIDAN, a space ship’s AI. If you want a book that’s going to make your heart pound at every twist and turn, Illuminae is right for you!

The Cellar by Natasha Preston While this book is not classified as horror and it isn’t the most well-written, The Cellar is definitely intended to scare you a bit, as sixteen year Summer is abducted and taken to a cellar to live with other kidnapped girls.

The Last Boy and Girl in the World by Siobhan Vivian I was not frightened while reading The Last Boy and Girl in the World, rather it was the concept of being the last girl in the world that was a bit mind-numbing. No worries though, Keely really isn’t the last girl on Earth, but she sure feels like it as her town is forced to evacuate as it sinks underwater. And don’t be spooked (had to have a Halloween pun somewhere!) by The Last Boy and Girl in the World’s rating on Goodreads, I really enjoyed this one back in 2016!

The Host by Stephenie Meyer Again, this is a book where the concept freaked me out a bit, not the book itself. AILENS PEOPLE AILENS!

The Girl with All the Gifts by M.R. Carey The Girl with All the Gifts is a zombie-apocalypse driven story, with our main zombie coming in the form of a child named Melanie. This story is obviously scary for its dystopian and zombie vibes, but how scared can you really be of a little zombie with unicorn pants??

Top 5 Wednesday is a collaborative group of book bloggers from various platforms who love sharing lists on Wednesdays. The T5W group can be found here on Goodreads.


Review: There’s Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins

Summary: It’s been a year since Makani was forced to move from Hawaii to Nebraska to live with her grandma, but she can’t seem to escape from the past that she left behind there. And life isn’t peachy-keen in Nebraska, either. If there’s two things that are loved by small-town Osborne, it’s corn and football. What’s not so loved? The sudden murders of high school students, leaving everyone in town feeling on edge, even in their own homes.

My Rating: 4.5/5 Stars


My Thoughts:

I decided to pick up There’s Someone Inside Your House during October for the sake of getting more invested into the Halloween-themed month. I’m not too big of a horror fan, but being a fan of Stephanie Perkins’s past work, I knew that I needed to read it. I had a feeling that There’s Someone Inside Your House was going to be a good one for me from the get-go because not only is it a Stephanie Perkins book, but the first character we meet is named HALEY! AND IT’S SPELT EXACTLY HOW I SPELL MY NAME! Yes, she’s dead by the end of the first chapter, but still!!

Be warned that There’s Someone Inside Your House is quite gory. The murder scenes often made me gasp and cringe from imagining such a bloody scene—the worst for me was the third murder scene, it made me want to forever protect my ears. There’s Someone Inside Your House really is a bloodier adaptation of Stephanie’s Anna and the French Kiss series, where serial killer terrorizes small town meets cute young-adult romance. I didn’t mind Makani as our main character and I think my favorite character was Grandma Young. I was in constant fear the puzzle-loving and heart-healthy Grandma Young wouldn’t make it. I also liked Ollie as Makani’s love-interest and seeing how his mysterious past would play out. I mean c’mon, how bad could the guy be? He has a dog named Squidward! I think my favorite line in the book was the following gem from Ollie’s brother Chris:

“Suddenly, a yell rang out, followed by a loud crash. Makani gasped and shrank as Ollie clung to her in horror. There was the indistinct sound of things settling to the floor.

“Squidward!” Chris said. “F***! You scared me.” ” (258).

I only had a few “disappointments” when it came to There’s Someone Inside Your House. I disliked how long it took for us to find out why Makani really came to Nebraska, and in my opinion, it really wasn’t as bad as she made it out to be. Frankly, it was more of the older girls’ fault than her own. I also felt that the identity of the serial killer was sort’ve thrown at us and we were expected to go along with it. Yes, the characters explain why it makes sense, but we really don’t get to see any of this reasoning play out beforehand.

Obviously, everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion and every book can’t be everyone’s cup of tea, but I don’t understand why There’s Someone Inside Your House is getting relatively low reviews on Goodreads. There’s a super-sweet romance, diversity (Makani is biracial, her friend Darby is trans), there’s horror and gore, and THERE’S A DOG NAMED SQUIDWARD!!!

Have you read There’s Someone Inside Your House? Share in the comments!

Fierce Fangirl Friday: My Most Recent Book Purchases

Fierce Fangirl Friday is a weekly meme created and hosted by Jackie of Too Much of a Booknerd. Jackie created Fierce Fangirl Friday for us fangirls to discuss our most recent or favorite fangirl obsessions. I recommended checking out Jackie’s own FFF posts and Dani of Persepctive of a Writer’s posts as well. Dani was the reason I found out about FFF and I’m so happy to participate today!

This year I’ve been better about my book buying habits. I’ve been mostly only buying books when I have Barnes and Noble coupons, taking advantage of my library’s used book sales, and using my local and college-town’s libraries to borrow most of the books that I read. However, I purchased two books last week that I have been dying to talk about with all of my bookish friends.

If you participate in any book community, you’ll know that everyone has been freaking out over John Green’s new release, Turtles All the Way Down. I knew that I’d somehow have the book in my possession by the end of the year, whether as a Christmas present or borrowed from the library. Last Wednesday, I was walking to the library through my college-town’s main avenue and of course saw Turtles All the Way Down in the local indie bookstore’s window. However, it wasn’t Turtles All the Way Down’s orange spiral that caught my attention; it was the golden sticker on the cover that read signed copy. I knew that John Green had signed 200,000 copies of the book in anticipation of its October 10th release date, but I figured the majority of them had already been claimed or given to bigger chain-stores. I walked inside the store and was surprised to see that they had about a dozen or so signed copies on display. I walked out of the store with $20 less to my name, but a signed copy of Turtles All the Way Down in my hands.


I’m still debating if my second book purchase of the week beats my signed Turtles All the Way Down, but maybe you can help me decide. Last weekend, my best friend and I went to a local book festival. We walked around the festival and were a bit disappointed to see that there weren’t any vendors selling bookish merchandise, and we weren’t too interested in any of the panels for the day either. Our disappointment soon ceased to exist when we saw that the town’s library was hosting a really big book sale. We rushed to the sale and were quite overwhelmed with all the books for sale. I always give my best friends tons of book recommendations (were you expecting anything else?), and I overhead someone talking about the Rainbow Rowell books for sale and basically ran over there and threw Attachments, Eleanor and Park, and Landline in her hands.

ARC salt to sea.jpgThe room was quite crowded when we first came in, so as people left, we decided to do a once-over of the shelves again and I am so thankful we did. I had a fangirl moment of my own that day when I found an ARC copy of Ruta Sepetys’s Salt to the Sea. Ruta Sepetys is my favorite historical-fiction author, not to mention one of my all-time favorite writers, and I am so excited to add an ARC of Salt to the Sea to my collection. Maybe it seems silly that I bought an ARC of an already-published book and I have the Salt to the Sea hardback at home, but I love collecting and keeping ARCs!And it only cost me $1! I also picked up a paperback copy of John Green’s Looking for Alaska. No worries, I’ve read Looking for Alaska, but believe it or not, it’s the only John Green book that I didn’t own!

What’s your most recent book purchase? Share in the comments!

The TBR Tag

Today I’ll be doing a book tag inspired by every reader’s best friend and worst enemy: the TBR pile. For anyone who’s new to the book community, TBR stands for to-be-read.

The TBR Tag was originally created by Dana from DanaSquare and Rachel from A Perfection Called Books.

How do you keep track of your TBR? I used to create a TBR list in Microsoft Excel, but since 2015, I’ve been using Goodreads. Besides checking off books on the site, I like to print out my TBR and cross off what I’ve read.

Is your TBR mostly print or ebook? All print. E-books just aren’t my thing.

How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next? I’m definitely a mood reader, but I try to read my ARCs (advanced readers copies) before release date, and if one of my most anticipated releases has just come out (thinking back to May with A Court of Wings and Ruin), I pick it up almost immediately.

12810834.jpgA Book That’s Been on Your TBR The Longest: 172 Hours on the Moon by Johan Harstad—I think this has been on my list since 2015!

A Book You Recently Added to Your TBR: The Librarian of Auschwitz by Antonio Iturbe 

A Book On Your TBR That You Never Plan on Reading: I do a pretty good job of making sure that there aren’t books on my TBR that I’m really not going to get to, but I’m going to go with The One We Fell in Love With by Paige Toon, mainly because it’s hard to find some of her books in the US, especially in my local library system.

An Unpublished Book On Your TBR That You’re Excited For: Batman: Nightwalker by Marie Lu 29749090.jpg

A Book On Your TBR That Basically Everyone’s Read But You: The Sword of Summer (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard #1) by Rick Riordan. I plan on reading The Sword of Summer soon, as the last book in the trilogy comes out in October.

A Book On Your TBR That Everyone Recommends to You: The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee

A Book On Your TBR That You’re Dying To Read: Solitaire by Alice Oseman. I loved Radio Silence, so I am excited to pick up her debut novel.

What book do you want to get off your TBR by the end of 2017? Share in the comments!

Review: The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis

Summary: Alex Craft knows she cannot be trusted. When her sister, Anna, was murdered three years ago and the killer wasn’t convicted, Alex took her own action against them. Hiding her dark side away from others, Alex knows not to get too close to others and she only has senior year to go. Plans change when she starts to form a friendship with Peekay, the preacher’s kid who also volunteers at the animal shelter, and Jack Fisher, who may feel guilty from the night Anna was discovered, starts to notice Alex more and more. As senior year unravels, Alex, Peekay, and Jack are bought together by dark circumstances that may affect their future altogether.

My Rating: 4.75/5 Stars

femspecies.jpgMy Thoughts:

The Female of the Species has been on my TBR since 2016, and I was finally able to get a copy at my college-town’s library. Many of the reviewers I follow on Goodreads have loved Mindy McGinnis’s work, especially The Female of the Species, so I couldn’t wait to dive in and see what the hype was all about. I wasn’t disappointed.

The Female of the Species is told from the perspectives of high school seniors Alex, Jack, and Peekay. I’m often tentative going into multi-POV novels, but it really worked for this book, as our characters are each so different and deal with their own issues. It’s important to note that none of our three POVs are great, moral individuals. Alex has a dark side where she finds that violence speaks louder than words. Jack may be the all-star athlete and student, but he isn’t an all-star when it comes to relationships, often just looking for hookups. Peekay knows she’ll always be seen as the preacher’s kid and has a reputation to protect; yet this doesn’t stop her from grabbing a beer bottle at every chance possible.

The Female of the Species was the dark YA book that I needed. I don’t think I’ll ever “age-out” of young-adult books, however, I am starting to get tired of the typical high school troupes that come along with many YA books. While The Female of the Species does take place in a small-town high school, the story itself is very mature. We’re given a dark background from the get-go, with Anna’s death and the unsolved murders in town. Yet, I will say that I wasn’t a huge fan of the amount of sex and drinking in the book. Yes, I wasn’t a partier in high school and am still not in college, but it felt very unrealistic in a high school setting. The only reason I docked my rating by ¼ a star was because the ending felt very convenient to me. However, I commend Mindy McGinnis for the way she handled heavy subjects, like relationships, death, rape and sexual assault. I think she’s set the stage for darker stories in the YA community.

Have you read The Female of the Species? Share in the comments!

Review: One Plus One by Jojo Moyes

Summary: Jess always tells her kids that everything will work out. But as much as Jess says it, it’s hard for her to follow her own mantra when it’s been two years since your husband left, your stepson is being bullied, you’re trying to balance two jobs, and your math whiz of a daughter has been given an opportunity that you cannot afford. Enter Ed Nicholls, a tech millionaire who has a few problems of his own. Work has kept him away from his family for months, and when a conflict of interest threatens to end his career, Ed needs to escape from everyday life. He’ll do anything, even if that means driving Jess and her family, dog included, to the Maths Olympiad in Scotland and a prize that could change her daughter’s life forever.

My Rating: 4/5 Stars


My Thoughts:

If you’ve been following Fangirl Fury for a little while, it won’t take too long for you to realize that I am a contemporary reads kind of a girl. One of my favorite types of books are British contemporaries, and Jojo Moyes’s One Plus One more than satisfied my craving for a light, yet heart-warming read that takes place in the UK (I know that sounds oddly specific, but there are SO many books out there for you if you share this same feeling). It took me less than a week to fly through One Plus One and I would’ve finished it sooner if I didn’t have school or work!

As much as I enjoyed Jess and Ed as two of our main characters, Tanzie, Nicky, and Norman stole the show for me. At ten years old, I love how determined Tanzie was, and she was so unique for her love of math. I was never (and still not) a math girl growing up, but I loved school and of course, English class, so it was awesome to see Tanzie be so passionate about learning. Her positivity, something that she definitely got from her mom, was so heart-warming, and my heart melted for her so much throughout the story. Tanzie, I understand the struggle of having your glasses broken and it is easily one of the most frustrating things in the world– not being able to make out details absolutely stinks. Tanzie’s relationship with Norman, the big, sloppy, and lovable family dog, was quite cute and I’m happy that the duo is still together at the end of the novel.

Frankly, my heart went out to all of our four main characters, and after Tanzie, Nicky was the next in line to break my heart. The bullying him and his family faced was atrocious, and I’m really glad he had Ed to help him sort out some of his problems. We really don’t get Nicky’s point-of-view until the end of the book (One Plus One is told in third person, but each chapter follows one of the four MCs), but I liked seeing his voice shine through in his blog posts.

While One Plus One has a big emphasis on family, we of course get to experience Ed and Jess’s growing romance. The road trip doesn’t take up the entirety of the novel, which was great for both the story and Jess and Ed’s relationship to expand further. My biggest “complaint” of the novel was that we get the “we really care about each other but something from the past divides us but we still love each other and in the end we’ll be back together” trope (wordy, I know, but true!).

I would love to pick up another Jojo Moyes book in the near future. Have you read One Plus One? Share in the comments!