Some of my favorite blog posts to read are about book bloggers’ reading experiences, and I’ve grown to love reading vlogs (10 out of 10 recommend checking out Regan of PeruseProject’s vlogs). The Book Blogger Test allows readers to learn more about a book blogger’s reading life, and I was tagged to do so by Rebecca of mylifeasasportsfangirl.

Top 3 Book Pet Peeves

1. Books that don’t stay open while I’m eating. This often happens with hardcovers that I’ve just started or I’m about to finish because of the weight of the pages?? I often try to tuck one of the corners under my plate, in fear that something will slip over. Look at me reading on the edge.

2. Rainbow bookshelves. By no means do I hate rainbow bookshelves, or bookshelves that group books together based on the color of the covers. They have rightfully taken over bookstagram. And I know this is problem that people with rainbow shelves have themselves, but I could never order my books in that order BECAUSE I WOULDN’T KNOW WHERE ANYTHING IS. I would never be able to have my books in a series out of order or all over my bookshelf, and I even prefer to have my books categorized by author, with a few exceptions—mostly space and yes, the aesthetic of my main bookshelf.

3. My Goodreads Want-to-Read shelf. So one weekend back in January, I took some time to organize my Want-to-Read/ TBR shelf on Goodreads. I was getting a bit confused about what books on my list had been released yet and decided to reorganize my shelf  by genre and unreleased books. NO LESS THAN TEN MINUTES LATER DID I GO BACK TO MY SHELF AND EVERYTHING WAS BACK IN THE OLD ORDER. The new organization of my shelf is on the Goodreads apps, but I tend to use Goodreads on my desktop a lot more. As you can see below,I hate having books that have been on my shelf forever with books that aren’t being released until 2019 right next to each other.

Screen Shot 2018-02-19 at 4.00.17 PM.png

Perfect Reading Spot

I love reading in bed. No, it does not make me more tired nor do I wake up in the morning with drool on the pages. I read on my bed throughout the day, and even when I read at night in bed, I often find myself wanting to stay up longer to read. One of my favorite things to do on a morning where I can have bit of a lie-in is to grab my book and stay under the blankets.

Three Reading Confessions

1. This is probably more of a book blogger confession: I don’t like book tags that are straight-up book tags. What does this mean as I’m doing a book tag right now? I don’t like book tags where you only talk about books, like ones that ask you to pick a book with a green cover or a book that has a love triangle. Instead, I like tags that are about your reading life (like today’s) or reading experiences (like this awesome library tag that I saw on The Darlings Diary).

2. Besides The Fault in Our Stars, I don’t really cry over books you’re “supposed” to cry over. For example, I’m talking about Adam Silvera’s books, Me Before You, The Book Thief, All the Bright Places, etc.

3. A few of the books that I read when I was 9 or 10 years old, like the Inkheart trilogy, are probably filled with food stains. I’ve definitely gotten better reading and eating at the same time, but 10 year-old me liked reading Inkspell and eating pizza after swim practice too much.

Last Time I Cried During A Book:

I’ve definitely read books that have brought tears to my eyes since, but the last book that absolutely made me sob was Second Chance Summer by Morgan Matson.

Number of Books on my bedside table:

Usually 1-4. If I do have more than one book out, it’s because I checked out more than one book at the library.

Favorite Reading Snack:

Like how I’m a mood reader, I’m a mood snacker. Lately, I’ve been in the mood for some cheesey snacks, and cheddar rice cakes are always a favorite.

Three Books I’d Recommend to Anyone

 Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys

Words in Deep Blue by Cath Crowley

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty (so you could then properly watch the TV show)

A Picture of my Bookshelves.

I give you guys a picture of my “main” shelf all the time, so you’re in for treat today by seeing two out of three of my bookcases. My third bookcase is tucked away in the corner next to my desk, and I didn’t have enough space to take a picture of the whole shelf. And yes, I know they don’t match and yes, I wish they did, but as of right now, I don’t have enough space in my bedroom for those huge (and wonderful) IKEA shelves.



Biggest Reading Secret:

I didn’t read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows until the summer before my senior of high school. I’ve always had the HP books in my house because my mom loves them and while I read books 1-5 when I was in fourth of fifth grade, I just wasn’t as obsessed with them as I am now. Flash-forward to summer 2015 when I got the motivation to pick up Order of the Phoenix and proceeded to read the last three books in a matter of two weeks. While I enjoyed the Harry Potter films growing up, I feel like going back and reading/rereading the series (I then read books 1-4) in 2015 was when I really fell in love with Harry Potter.

 Now here’s a question for you: Do you cry when you read? If so, what books have made you cry? Share in the comments!

6 thoughts on “I LIKE BOOK TAGS THAT AREN’T BOOK TAGS|Book Blogger Test

  1. I can totally relate to the eating and reading part! And yes, i cry over books. I need to start a tear-jerker shelf on goodreads since i cant remember all the books that made me cry and i love sad books! But you should try “But I Love Him” by Amanda Grace or a Colleen Hoover book like It Ends With Us / November 9

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  2. I have the same issue with rainbow shelves. I’d be so confused and have no idea where anything was! Plus I hate to have a series out of order, I prefer everything together haha.

    I’m always crying over books haha. Some books that have made me cry were Dear Martin, THUG and HP & The Order of the Phoenix. I just really wasn’t expecting what happened, I’m still a little in shock over it.

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