May 2024 Wrap Up

May was such a good reading month. This month had many days reading outside & then by the pool and on the beach.

My FAVORITES of the month included:

Funny Story by Emily Henry – Another slam dunk from Emily Henry. I know Emily Henry likes to play with tropes, but I didn’t think of Funny Story this way until I listened to Kate Kennedy’s recent podcast episode with her on Be There in Five (also go back & listen to their 2023 episode when Happy Place came out). Funny Story plays with the best friends turned lovers tropes…except it follows the exes of those best friends and what happens to them when their happily-ever-after turns upside down. Definitely in my top three Emily Henry books. 

Just for the Summer by Abby Jimenez – I hide behind the fact that I wasn’t really a fan of Yours Truly, especially since I LOVED this first book in this connected trio, Part of Your World, so I’m so happy to say I LOVEDDDD Just for the Summer. You forget that the book starts off with fake dating/two people trying to break the “curse” that whoever they break up with then finds the love of their life because there’s so much chemistry, self-growth, and plot surrounding the leads’ families. 

King of Sloth (King of Sins #4) by Anna Huang – I really just needed all seven books in this series because I bingeeee read these books. I’ve learned Anna Huang’s plot structure within these books, but I’m still addicted. I think King of Greed is my current fave, but I really liked Sloane and Xavier’s romance in this fourth book. 

This Summer Will Be Different by Carley Fortune – This Summer Will Be Different is probably my new favorite Carley Fortune book! I devoured this book within one of the first really nice days of May. I’ve never been there, but I loved the Prince Edward Island (which says enough about Carley Fortune’s summer-based world building) and the romance between Felix & Lucy, who have a somewhat forbidden romance since Lucy’s best friend never wanted her friend to date her brother. 

Now, my absolute favorite book of May gets the title because I simply can’t stop thinking about it. It also made me legit sob (no really, tears were cried throughout) on multiple occasions. And while I know the two leads’ story is (supposedly) wrapped up, I am one of the people on Instagram being fooled into the posts from the author and series account that book #6 is coming. If you haven’t guessed, the book I am talking about is none other than MAGNOLIA PARKS: INTO THE DARK by Jessa Hastings. Sorry if you’re annoyed that I was talking very vague already, but I don’t want to share any spoilers since this is the fifth book in the series and third following Magnolia and her love interest, BJ. All I’ll say is that there’s a lot about siblings in the book that got me again and again. If you haven’t checked out Magnolia Parks yet, this is your sign that you must. The book starts off as a modern day Gossip Girl like series, but it has so, so much depth.  

Here’s what I also read in May:

P.S. If you want more daily looks at what I’m reading, follow me on Instagram.

What did you read in May? Have you read any of the books that I shared? Share in the comments!